Baking challenge, belated New Year resolution

They say that baking is both physical and mental therapy and lately I highly believe in that.

Toward the end of 2019, I visited Budapest, a city I always dreamed of visiting and it was such a charming place. I came across a checklist of things that ones have done in 2019 and started answering the questions in it in my notebook:

  • Visited a new country? Yes 4 new countries and 8 cities
  • Learned a new skill? Yes many
  • Improved self confidence? To a certain level, yes
  • Changed your hair? Yes
  • Learned to cook? Yes, many new recipes
  • Stepped out if comfort zone? Yes, so many times
  • Made new friends ? Yes
  • Bought something you saved up for? Yes

So I was happy to know that I checked some of the points in this list but why I am sharing my new year’s resolution now ? to be honest since 2020 started I am not writing much but this year I decided to do something different, I want to start a baking challenge meaning that I will try to bake one new recipe per month and this will go in line with finally having ‘Muffin’ my Kitchen Aid stand mixer.

This of course in addition to reading more great books, happiness, fulfillment, exploring new cities and having great adventures.

So, I started the year with making ginger bread muffins in Jan.

Feb was a month with lots of cooking and baking, I made ginger and dates loaf, milk tart, cinnamon and date bread and lemon raspberry loaf (wow 4 new recipes).

I hope more recipes will come along the way but if you guys have any suggestions please let me know.

I hope your New Years resolutions and wish’s come true


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